Weak Signal Propagation Reporter

 A system designed by Joe Taylor (K1JT) for probing potential radio propagation paths

using low-power beacon-like transmissions.

An explanation of WSPR and links to software for laptops and various computers can be found here.  This software will allow you to listen, transmit and report your RX to help with reporting.

If you wish to just view the RX Spots for any amateur frequency with your Ipad or Android tablet apps are available (mine were free) from the App Store for your device or see the link below (WSPRNet). What you’ll get is a world map showing the many stations RXing and the TXing station with a Miles Per Watt calculation.  This is a very quick way to check the band conditions for any of the frequencies that you wish to operate on.

What I’ve used to test my antennas is WSPRlite manufactured by SOTABEAMS in the UK. This is a 200mw transmitter designed to run on the frequency of your choice every few minutes as you programmed it.  It is very simple to setup and use and is a great way to check your station’s propagation and pattern.

On an outing in Minnesota May 31,2017 using a 17ft MFJ telescoping antenna mounted on an Alpha Antenna matching device and grounding to my RV I had the following results over a 10 hour period.  MAP    Spreadsheet Report    Analysis



WSPR Presentation for LARC 5/6/2019   PPT


YouTube videos showing the WSPRlite in operation.  Also just enter WSPR in search for more.


Website to calculate Miles per Watt / convert Grid Square to Lat & Long / MORE !


Set your computer to the EXACT TIME as is needed for the WSPR program to work !


WSPRnet.org will get you started using your computer, track your signals and provides help.


WSPR is located within the Joe Taylor Software along with FT8 and many more.


Use WSPR without Sound Card Interface……. Not the best BUT not too bad.


PA1B has a website devoted to QRPp complete with projects and calculators.