Weak Signal Operation Resources
Weak Signal Operation is NOT a QRP technique, but rather an operation on VHF/UHF/SHF using 6m, 2m or 70cm rigs at full power levels, transverters and Microwave antennas in SSB or CW modes. The range can be up to several hundred miles with good conditions and generally 50-
Using a fairly inexpensive transverter you are able to transform your 2m rig into a 33cm, 23cm, 13cm and beyond. Antennas are smaller, more precise but easy and fun to manufacture for the DIY guys.
If you do nothing else at least take a look at the many resources below supplied mostly by Buddy Morgan WB4OMG at the LARC Meeting 2/2/15, a very enlightening presentation.
As with all of these ZAARC pages…. If you find additional useful info PLEASE forward to the webmaster so that we can share wirh others.
Introduction to Weak Signal Operation
Presentation (Buddy Morgan WB4OMG) (8.5 meg download)
Times Microwave Cables
Inovantennas Yagis and other innovative antennas
Directive Systems VHF/UHF & Microwave antennas
M2 Antennas Wide range of unique antennas
Directive Systems & Engr (Antennas)
Down East Microwave Transverters and Power Amps
Grid Square Locator (Free download)
W1GHZ.org Transverters
SSBUSA.com preamplifiers, transverter systems, down converters & antennas