Latin America Mission Trip
February, 2020
I want to thank everyone of you who helped support me on my short-
I've included some pictures with some notations to help show where I was. Our team of 12 from here went down to Latin America, we picked up 12 interpreters (each one of us had the same interpreter all week) and our team had visited many different Churches ( 16 ).
Each church had a church worker for each one of us, as the church worker had already set up our appointments for visits. We (our team) visited 40 homes some were not home, a few were not going to church for many weeks for some reason, so we stopped to encourage them.
My team presented the gospel to 33 people and 29 of them accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Our 12 teams were able to present the gospel to 350 people and 292 accepted Christ. God is amazing! To see Christ at work is beyond amazing. I was truly touched on this trip.
Thank you again for supporting me and my team and please pray for the church workers to follow up with each one so they can grow and get involved with other Christians.
Part of the support went to pay for our gas and vans and our interpreters. Also some literature and a part of the Bible for each new Christian.
Gerald Hewitt
February, 2020
Latin America Pictures
Picture 1 outside of the big cities this is a normal city street.
Picture 2 and 5. 2 is the campfire or the kitchen for the house in number 5 this couple lived there for 60 years, I can see through the walls and the roof.
Picture 3 this gentleman in the middle is the brother of the lady on the left in a blue and black shirt, she is a church worker for the Little White Church.
Picture 6 The Little White Church.
Picture 4 is 4 people that the Lady or the church worker of picture six. She had the appointment set up and all four of them accepted Christ.
Picture 8 is one evening we had our supper at about 7:30 was a very very beautiful place and very very good food.
Picture 7 was an older gentleman that is his living room chair a small table and a couple things on the wall is all he had but he accepted Christ.
Picture 9 is the inside of that little white church.
Picture 10 is a typical clothes line hanging outside but this particular clothes line was tied to the metal bar that the power lines were tied to.
Picture 11 was my interpreter Reinier.
Picture 12 is the opera house.
Picture 14 is where we stayed in Santa Clara and many times we did not have hot water, other than that it was a nice Motel.
Picture 13 is one of the largest churches that we stayed at and had one of our meals.
Picture 16 is another lady that accepted Christ and this also has her church worker in it which is a friend of hers.
Picture 15 is a 1952 Chevy convertible that we toured in for about an hour and a half sightseeing.
Picture 18 is a group of 12 of us that traveled from here to Latin America.
Picture 17 was another picture of a typical Street.
I wish I had time to show you many more pictures and talk about it but I want to thank you for allowing me to go and to see Christ working in that community it was a real blessing.
Thank you. Jerry